ICE Industrial Capital & Engineering
POSDRU fonduri structurale, finantare proiecte agricole Structurari financiare
 Solutii tehnice industriale
Programe finantare, fuziuni, achizitii si reconversie active
Accesare fonduri nerambursabile
Industrial Capital and Engineering ofera solutii de finantare si atragere de capital in domeniul agricol,

Her outstanding expertise  is related to the following area of practice :

  • Social  infrastructure
  • Slaughtering and meat processing
  • Agriculture and farming
  • Cereal warehousing and processing
  • Bakery , pastry, pasta and extruded cereals  plants
  • Waffles, biscuits , candies  and chocolate  plants
  • Slaughtering, cutting up and  meat further processing plants
  • Cooling, freezing and controlled atmosphere  warehousing
  • Vegetables and fruits processing
  • Milk processing
  • Wine industry

Liliana Nicolae

Managing partner

Liliana is a multi-valent expert ,one of the national leading food business advisors, a pioneer on food quality and food safety management systems. Liliana advised and audited many organizations on their way to develop and certify quality and safety management systems, being acquainted with all the national and European regulations.

Liliana is well known for her professional and value adding advise on all the food industry branches and she is currently managing the master-planning area of practice (see master-planning portfolio) and operational advising department. She started her advising career in 2006 , after 13 fruitful years spent in top management positions , from which 5 years as Deputy General Manager in one of the largest food operation company .

Liliana is all the time surprising our clients with integrated, tailored solutions in food facilities master planning and Total Operational Performance ( T.O.P) systems , being recognized to have a comprehensive understanding of the agro-industrial sector, striving on plants operational flows , food quality and food safety.


  • Executive MBA, joint MBA Program delivered by :   CNAM Paris  , IIM Paris (“ L ‘Institut International du Management “)   and Economic Studies Academy of Bucharest.
  • Veterinary physician  degree